Health & Fitness
Opportunities for learning about health and fitness, along with ways to get in regular fitness activities, are in abundance for the homeschooling family. From simple family hikes to well-organized homeschool sports leagues, there are numerous ways for children who are educated at home to enjoy physical activity, learn to play group sports, and increase their general fitness level.
Proper nutrition is essential for a child to grow to be a healthy adult. And learning about nutrition should be a daily activity. It is easy for homeschoolers to incorporate nutrition education into daily life. We've gathered some resources to make learning about nutrition easy and fun for the homeschooling family.
Many homeschoolers enjoy sports as part of their homeschooling curriculum and lifestyle. More and more sports leagues are forming to meet the specific needs of homeschooling families. Explore some of the options available to you and your family.
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Taking Charge of Your Child's Education: A Guide to Becoming the Primary Influence in Your Child's Life
Every parent wants to give their child the best start in life. The best way to do that is to get fully involved in their educational process as their primary influence. This book is full of helpful information, resources, and tools that will lead you to home education success. Erica Arndt recognizes that the most important factor is the family unit relationships. This book will help you as you make your decision to homeschool. 
Home Schooling from Scratch : Simple Living, Super Learning
Parents learn what they really need, how to find or create materials and opportunities for less money, and how to organize their household for economical, happy learning.
The Living Page: Keeping Notebooks with Charlotte Mason
Charlotte Mason believed that children need to be trained to see, to have their eyes opened, in order to find joy in life. This work explains the value of using the method of writing in journals or notebooks, as derived from the expansive work of Charlotte Mason. You'll find tips to help your children practice putting their knowledge, thoughts, and pictures down on paper, helping them to retain information better, create something beautiful, and strive for retention.
A History of Science
A History of Science is not a textbook, but is a guide to help parents and children study science through literature. It is intended for children in elementary grades.
Kids' Poems (Grades 1)
Regie Routman shares her delightful selection of free verse poems written by first graders that will inspire your second graders to think, I can write poems like this too! Regie provides strategies for using kids' poems as models to guide children to write poems about things they know and care about: learning to skate, disliking asparagus, playing with a best friend, and more. She describes the way she invites children to study the model poem, beginning by asking kids, What do you notice? She sh...